Vicki Lovegrove| Creative Confidence Coach

What I charge

Why is the introductory session not free?

I used to offer a free half-hour introductory session. Lots of coaches do.

Unfortunately, quite often, people didn't show up. I'd sit and wait, thinking maybe they were just late.

So now I charge for these, and I've made them longer: £73 for 45mins.

Usually, if you want to work with me, sessions are up to 2 hours and cost £300, so the introductory session is lower in price, and we both get something from it.

I have decided to redeem the introductory fee when you book Goal-Smashing or Deep VISION Sessions.

What to expect

We will examine what holds you back and how coaching can help you.

You will leave with some work to do at the end of the session, regardless of whether you book further sessions with me.

How much is your coaching?

I have three options to work 121 with me at the moment, see below…

What coaching do you offer, and how much is it?

The Mini Coach Session

this can be a one-off (45 minutes), it is usually the start of an ongoing relationship for 6+ sessions. Redeemable off the third session when you book 3 or more.


Cost: £73


The Goal-Smashing Session

1-hour sessions, which are fortnightly or more frequently. Great for accountability, gentle nudging, and ensuring you hit your micro goal.

6+ sessions.

Cost: £230


The Monthly Deep VISION Session

2-hour sessions once a month. Here, we deep dive into what you want to change and ensure you do it. My most popular session.

3+ sessions.

Cost: £330 each


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