Do you have the wrong coach?

Having the wrong coach is like having a gym membership and not turning up.

There is a lot of coachy-noise around at the mo. I don't know about you, but I find it exhausting.

Coaches for women, coaches for men, coaches for tribes, coaches for vibes, coaches for introverts, coaches for extroverts, the list goes on and on.

So, how do you find 'the one' for you?

The first step, meet them - a coach that only tries to sell a membership to you in the first meeting isn't listening.

The second step, take your time - don't be rushed into a program that is about to be full etc.

The third step, choose a coach - not having a coach won't fix what you need fixing. You will stay in the loop, going round and round.

I do an introductory chat, so you can check I am a real person, not an absolute nutcase, and if you can bear spending time with me for 6+ months (yes, to make a real change, it takes time and effort).

If you would like to spend more time with me, still not sure, you can book a meeting with me via the contact page.

There, now you know I won't be selling AT you.

Drop me a line if you want to start exploring how to work with a coach (not a trainer).


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